This years Ljubičevske konjičke igre in Požarevac have drawn many records, both in the visit and on the racetrack. After the great gallop and crash races, games in preponder and remote riding, the performance of Ljubičevski tweeters dropped the curtain on the 54th Ljubičevski horseshoe game. The Games themselves started defile on Friday, September 1, and were opened by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. On the day of the opening of Pozarevac, Zdravko Colic was entertained, and during these special days for Pozarevac, the group of Neverna beba and Dejan Petrovic and Big Band, as well as Riblja Corba and Kerber, performed as the general sponsor of Apatinska pivara. The team work of the Stage Pro team, took care of setting up the stands so that many visitors could enjoy the masters of this sport.